“The Melchizedek Creed” from Thane’s Find Yourself and Live Lesson #19 – “This is the Day”

“Thou great Eternal, Thou great unbounded whole,
Thy body is the Universe, thy Spirit is its soul; If
thou dost fill immensity, if thou art All-in-All,
Then I’m in Thee and Thou in me, or I’m not here at all.
How can I be outside of Thee, when Thou fillest earth and air?
There surely is no place for me, outside of everywhere,
If Thou art all– if Thou dost fill immensity of space,
Then I’m in Thee and Thou in me, or else I have no place.
And, if l have no place at all, what am I doing here?
Beyond the All, I cannot be, outside of everywhere;
Then, truly in Thyself am I, and Thou must be in me,
or else there is no All-in-All, no Thee, no me, to be.
But, now, I claim thy Spirit free, thy perfect life and Soul,
The very thought of this great truth makes me this moment whole;
This very hour look I deep, and vision high to see,
That Christ within — the perfect Self – art Thou! and I am Thee!”

One thought on ““The Melchizedek Creed” from Thane’s Find Yourself and Live Lesson #19 – “This is the Day””

  1. Hello,

    I’m wondering if the authorship of this poem has been established. I came across it in the book “The Finished Kingdom” (1924) by Lillian de Waters. It also appears in “Out of the Mist” (1925) by Gloria Dare. In both books the poem is in quotation marks, indicating some other author, but that author is never mentioned. This page is the only other place I’ve found that has it.

    Thanks if you know more!

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