Full Moon 1 March 2018 ~ Virgins With Bite

The full moon on March 1 2018 falls at 11º Virgo. This full moon brings up themes of the victim/saviour archetype since it falls on the fixed star Zosma found on the flank of the lion’s back. Unusual for restrained Virgo energy this star brings a lion’s bite to the full moon. The mystique continues with the fact the Full moon is also opposite Neptune, which makes those martyr tendencies more likely to emerge at this full moon. There is also a sadomasochistic element here too which might come out in news headlines around this time. Look out for bondage-style fashion and love/hate imagery in the media.


When we study this fixed star we can see it hasn’t got the best reviews. At its very worst, you can also see that it has all the makings of the professional victim. Zosma on the back of the Lion, so Robson says; 

“causes benefit by disgrace, selfishness, egotism, Immorality, meanness, melancholy, unhappiness of mind and fear of poison, and gives an unreasonable, shameless and egotistical nature.” 

This star also gives an alert mind but a tendency to melancholia. Other commentators associate Zosma with drug addiction, but there are more positive reviews! Bernadette Brady says that since this star is placed just where Hercules crushed the Nemean lion, it represents anti-establishment beliefs that are totally destroyed. She says Zosma;

” is present in the charts of victims, of people who are abused by the system….The planet that is involved with Zosma will potentially involve suffering, perhaps through the person’s naiveté allowing them to be led into a victimizing situation, or perhaps by their working as a social worker or caregiver. This is not a star of glory or fame but rather of the invisible work of dealing with the victim in one-self or others” [1]

Karmically I would say Zosma willingly sacrifices itself in order to pay back from when they were “selfish, egotistical, immoral etc etc…” We may see some rich, famous and powerful who have abused their position appear to repent at this full moon. A good example of this pay-back generally may be an ex-drug pusher who later works as an addiction counsellor. Zosma along with Coxa is said to give the ability to prophesy, and of course the full moon is a very psychic time. This “Are We Moon Food” post might be relevant at this time!

Full Moon March In Virgo Decan 2

Zosma 11º ~ “ The pacifist or the warmonger – to hate, or enjoy, the suffering of others. To be sympathetic to the pain of others.” [2]

This is a very extreme position for the Moon where there seems no grey area at all. Either it is a sinner or a saint. As stated in the intro the sadomasochistic tendency here is very strong, where pain is a theme for good or ill. (Madonna and The Marquis de Sade have this natally!)

At this full moon we have the choice to be the empathic nurse or the torturer, much depends on the evolution of the soul or how conscious we are. Those who let themselves become literally unconscious through the use of drugs or alcohol lay themselves open to being possessed by demons who enjoy inflicting pain on others. (Referenced in the “Are We Moon food” post.)

On the positive side, this Full Moon is just perfect for the artisan and craftsperson who is very skilled and produces very fine and detailed works. Their precision and perfectionist traits are enhanced by this Virgo full moon to the highest potential. This can be utilized working with styles that require intricate and delicate operation of tools, like lacemaking, etching or fine jewelry making.

At this full moon, we can weave our heart and soul into each of our creations. Another tendency for those touched by this full moon will be the inability to take criticism from its superiors. Especially affected are the very people who dish out a very cutting critique of others. At this sensitive full moon however they will feel extremely wounded if they receive the same back.

Full Moon March 2018

Full Moon March 2018 Aspect

Moon opposite Neptune. The hypersensitivity of the Virgo decan 2 full moon is further highlighted by absorbant Neptune. The Moon can fall victim to negative Neptune because of its tendency to do things unconsciously. The Moon (Public) can be very easily hypnotized by Neptune’s promise of salvation. Moon opposition Neptune is not out to deliberately deceive, though it can seem that way.

This can be a Joan of Arc or a Florence Nightingale. So the hard aspect of the opposition can actually save this aspect from dissolving into the mists altogether and give it some practical application. This fantastical imagination works very well in show business since the hard aspect turns the fantasizing into something concrete, the movies with all their glamour and melodrama are just perfect for this full moon (If you keep a critical eye out for the matrix programming!). Generally this aspect one of the most sensitive and compassionate but we just have to be careful that the idealism is not misplaced, unrealistic and impractical.


Full moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that we are in control of this and no one is forcing our hand! Sometimes we can let go of things that we regret later, due to heightened emotions and the full moon’s perchance for saying ‘F*** You!’

The bright light of the sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious and our shadow. This can feel uncomfortable as the Sun literally blasts out the demons who have nowhere to hide. Often the full moon is a time when we reap what we sowed at the new moon,.. for good or for ill.

Amazorite Crystal

The veils between the worlds are thinnest around a full Moon, so be very careful what you invite in. Instead, the Full Moon is best used to purge things out, and banish entities/bad habits back to the underworld from whence they came. Make sure you close the door firmly afterwards!

This is a good time for exorcism, but make sure you are completely grounded and fully in control of the process. If in doubt, lie low and protect yourself. A Lunar Eclipse is a turbocharged Full Moon where the blood red moon makes a graphic statement of any symbolic ‘deaths’ or aborted projects that might occur at this time in our lives.


To ameliorate the effects of any painful contractions during the above ‘purging’, make the gods work for you by immersing yourself in Virgo decan 2 energy. If your ascendant, Sun or Moon are in the mutable signs decan 2 you might be extra sensitive to this full moon and want to take time out to heal and look within. Practice focused meditation or yoga with a Virgo decan 2 theme.

Useful healing props are: The 9 of pentacles, St Johns Wort, Violets, Thistles, Ivy, Amazonite Crystal, Frankincense, Lavender and Bergamot essential oils blend in a bath.

1. Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars. Bernadette Brady. Pg 269.
2. Star & Planet Combinations. Bernadette Brady. p.251

Full Moon March Virgo

The extended YouTube video discusses social media ‘Feeds’, toxic ‘love’ scenes and violence in films, different ways of representing Queens in the Western media V Russian media, Victim/Saviour polarity, Neptune and the immune system.

Books for Mentors (courtesy of Calvin Harris, H.W., M.)

Two books I suggest reading as understanding mentorship to help others within their cultural blocks/ concepts to truth in your counseling with them, when it comes to deep seeded Religious fears, the help comes from of all places Christian orthodoxy.

The two books I recommend, have personal connections for me because one of the people who were instrumental in advice and who was behind the scenes of their original publication was Mary Ritley.  M.R. as she was fond of being called were going over these manuscripts with suggestion and footnotes.  I remember one of our dinners where the subject of “what did it mean being a priest of Melchizedek and discussing the merits and responsibility of such.

The Books are:

Dirt, Greed, and Sex: Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and Their Implications for Today. Read at your own peril; you will be educated and informed in a non-overbearing fashion. Countryman lays all his cards on the table right away, revealing his purposes and academic predispositions ahead of time. This is responsible and open scholarship at its best! this book provides insight into the cultural mindset of the authors of both the Jewish and Christian scriptures and helps one get behind arcane regulations and statements to what their intended purpose actually was. Note: although homosexuality is a hot button topic in today’s society, the book is not primarily on that subject. It is a good resource on the overall subject of sex and the relationships which revolve around it. Additionally, the primary thesis opens up the understanding of how God’s Law regulated purity and ownership issues and thus can open up one’s understanding of the Bible in other areas beyond the subject of sex.

Living on the Border of the Holy: Renewing the Priesthood of All – “The first thing to say in our exploration of the priesthood is this: priesthood is a fundamental and inescapable part of being human. All human beings, knowingly or not, minister as priests to one another. All of us, knowingly or not, receive priestly ministrations from one another. Unless we begin here, we are not likely to understand the confusions and uncertainties and opportunities we have been encountering in the life of the church itself in recent years. We shall be in danger, in fact, of creating makeshift solutions to half-understood problems, easy answers to misleading questions, temporary bandages for institutions that need to be healed from the ground up.” – L. William Countryman There is a lot of tension in churches today about whose ministry is primary-that of the laity or of the clergy. L. William Countryman argues that we can only resolve that problem by seeing that we are all priests simply by virtue of being human and living, as we all do, on the mysterious and uncertain border with the Holy. Living on the Border of the Holy offers a way of understanding the priesthood of the whole people of God and the priesthood of the ordained in complementary ways by showing how both are rooted in the fundamental priestly nature of human life. After an exploration of the ministry of both laity and ordained, Countryman concludes by examining the implications of this view of priesthood for churches and for educating those studying for ordination.

Quantum Mechanics and Spacetime

The following video is by Nima Arkani-Hamed, who currently sits on the faculty at the prestigious Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, where Einstein served from 1933 until his death in 1955: http://www.cornell.edu/video/nima-arkani-hamed-quantum-mechanics-and-spacetime. The video is an excellent introduction to what follows:

So Long, Theory of Everything. Gravity Shown to Be Unaffected by Quantum Conditions

By Reality Beyond Matter  February 27, 2018

To connect classical physics and quantum physics, physicists used two rubidium atoms to see if the effects of gravity are affected by the atoms’ quantum spins. Ultimately, the experiment failed to make that connection.


Alas, our hopes of developing a set of universal laws in relation to the fundamental physics that governs our universe—of coming up with a “theory of everything”—are looking more and more dim.

Physicists have just found more compelling evidence implying that gravity, which determines how massive objects impact the fabric of spacetime, just doesn’t honor the laws of quantum physics, which governs the world of the very, very small.

To break this down, the biggest challenge in modern physics is finding some form of agreement between classical physics and quantum physics. In an attempt to connect the two, a team of Chinese scientists from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan recreated one of Galileo’s experiments. Specifically, they were working with the equivalence principle, which asserts that objects of the exact same mass will follow the exact same trajectory if they fall in a vacuum.

Galileo’s 1589 Tower of Pisa experiment aimed to prove the equivalence principle (it can also be broken down as, “Gravity accelerates all objects equally regardless of their masses or the materials from which they are made,”according to NASA).

Watch this awesome video of gravity at work in a vacuum—without air resistance impeding its effects:

By using two rubidium atoms with opposite quantum spins, the scientists were hoping to find evidence that, at molecular sizes, the laws of quantum physics would somehow affect gravity and therefore form a connection between quantum physics and classical physics.

This means that the equivalence principle would not completely apply to the situation and that they should be able to see some difference in the speeds at which the atoms fall, due to their quantum spin.


This has been tried many times before, but this is the first time they were tried on atoms instead of full-sized objects.

The two rubidium atoms were cooled to a few millionths of a degree above absolute zero to make them more stable (atoms move more at higher temperatures), and were placed in a vacuum tube.

Using laser beams, they propelled the atoms upwards and measured the rate at which they fell using a technique called “atom interferometry.”

The experiment showed that gravity paid no heed to the atoms’ opposite quantum spins and gave them the same treatment as all other objects: The equivalence principle still prevailed. The atoms fell at pretty much identical rates, meaning that even at quantum scales, the laws of classical physics for gravity still apply.

This is a problem in that there is still no way to connect the two aspects of physics to each other, making the attempt to arrive at a unified theory (seemingly) a vain one.

However, this is hope. It is possible that there is some effect, but that our current measurement devices just can’t detect them. Future developments in technology and research may yet yield an answer somehow.

The illusion of reality

The scientific proof everything is energy and reality isn’t real

Image credit: Shutterstock – By Maksimilian

Quantum physicists are discovering facts about the world that we would never have thought to be possible.

The scientific breakthroughs that have taken place in the last few years are as significant to our understanding of reality as Copernicus’s outline of the solar system.

The problem? Many of us simply do not understand quantum physics. And this all began roughly a hundred years ago when physicists began challenging the assumption that the physical space and universe that we see around us is actually “real”.

Scientists decided that to prove that reality was not, in fact, simply an illusion, they had to discover the “point particle”, and this would be accomplished with innovations like the Large Hadron Collider.

This machine was initially built to smash particles into one another, and this is where they made the greatest discovery: the physical world is not as physical as we believe. Instead, everything around us is just energy.

How Reality Is Just Energy

We think of the atom as an organized group of electrons and protons zooming around a neutron, but this figure is completely wrong.

The particles that make up the atoms have no structure or size, no weight or physical presence.

They have no height, length, width, or weight, and are nothing more than events in time. They have zero dimensions.

Electrons also do not have a singular presence—they are both a particle and a wave simultaneously, depending on how they are observed.

They are never in a single location at a single moment and instead exist in several moments at the same time.

Scientists also discovered what is known as the “superposition”, in which several particles aside from electrons can be proven to exist in multiple places at a single moment.

What does all this mean?

It means that the more we discover about the subatomic world, the more we discover that we know nothing about the true nature of reality at all.

The Copenhagen Interpretation

Many scientists have come to the Copenhagen Interpretation as their conclusion for understanding reality.

The Copenhagen Interpretation comes from the school of quantum mechanics, and it believes that reality does not exist without an observer to observe it.

As reality is nothing more than energy (what gives us physicality if the smallest parts of us have no physical characteristics?), then the energy is conscious when consciousness is observing it.

This may be difficult to understand.

Think of it this way: since particles exist in several areas at the same time, then it must respond to an observation by choosing to exist in a singular location, allowing the observer to have an image to observe.

A growing number of researchers in this field believe that reality exists only because human consciousness wills it to exist, by interacting with the energy that makes up the universe.

Understanding the Universe as Information

Another mind-blowing discovery in quantum physics is entanglement.

What’s strange is that once these two particles have become tangled with one another, they can never become untangled.

No matter how far apart they may stretch from the other, the spin of one particle will always affect the spin of the other.

Researchers have observed this in living cells, communicating over far distances. In one famous experiment, researchers grew algae cells in a petri dish. They then separated these cells into two halves, taking one half to another laboratory.

What they found was that no matter how much they separated the two dishes, a low-voltage current applied on one dish would always affect the cells in the other dish in the exact same way at the exact same moment.

How Is this possible?

Understanding this requires shifting the way we think of the universe. We can no longer think of the universe as a physical realm in which the things we observe and sense are all that exists.

Instead, as famous physicist Sir Roger Penrose theorized, we must envision the universe as nothing but information.

We must believe that the physical universe is just a product of an abstract universe, in which we are all connected in an unobservable way.

Information is simply embedded into the physical constructs of the physical universe but is transmitted to our physical states from the abstract realm, first theorized by the Greek philosopher, Plato.

As Erwin Schrodinger famously stated, “What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space. Particles are just appearances.”

Simply put, everything is nothing but energy.

Coping With A Different Reality

There are certain questions and realizations you must come to terms with after learning this true state of reality. You could obsess over the implications indefinitely, but here are a few to start you off:

  • You have never touched anything, and you never will. The electrons that make up your atoms repulse against the electrons of other physical entities, making it impossible for you to interact with other material at the subatomic level.
  • If we are not touching anything, then what is it that we feel when we “touch”?
  • How is the world physical when the building blocks that make it have no dimensions?
  • How is anything real, and what does real mean?
  • Is reality determined by physicality?

h ackspirit.com/illusion-reality-scientific-proof-everything-energy-reality-isnt-real/

Space Is Not Empty

A century from now, it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe; vacuum in a circulating state becomes matter; the electron is the fundamental particle of matter and is a vortex of vacuum with a vacuum-less void at the center and it is dynamically stable; the speed of light relative to vacuum is the maximum speed that nature has provided and is an inherent property of the vacuum; vacuum is a subtle fluid unknown in material media; vacuum is mass-less, continuous, non viscous, and incompressible and is responsible for all the properties of matter; and that vacuum has always existed and will exist forever….Then, scientists, engineers, and philosophers will bend their heads in shame knowing that modern science ignored the vacuum in our chase to discover reality for more than a century.

The quote above comes from Paramahamsa Tewari, Inventor of what’s called the Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG).

What he says above has been the subject of discussion within the realms of physics and astronomy for decades.  At the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowledge was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.

Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. This is also known as “the Vacuum” or “The Zero-Point Field.”

What’s even more fascinating is that the “stuff” within this space can be accessed and used. This was experimentally confirmed when  The Casimir Effect illustrated zero point or vacuum state energy, which predicts that two metal plates close together attract each other due to an imbalance in the quantum fluctuations(source)(source). You can see a visual demonstration of this concept here. Before Casimir, these pockets of “nothing” were thought to be voids.

Unfortunately, when contemplating the nature of our reality and what we perceive to be our physical world, the existence of the vacuum and what lies within what we call “space” is very much over-looked. I find it amusing how we’re still searching for the ‘God’ particle when a large amount of evidence points to the idea that most of what we refer to as “reality” is actually something we can’t perceive with our physical senses!

No point is more central than this, that space is not empty, it is the seat of the most violent physics – John Wheeler


The Beguine Women’s Movement of the 13th century


by Gael Stirler — August, 2008 (store.renstore.com)

Beguinage with moat
A 13th century beguinage in Bruges, Belgium showing
apartments on the left and the entry gate on the right.
Some beguinages were protected by a wall and moat and
housed their own churches, hospitals, and cemeteries.

Wars, crusades, plague, famine, and the rise of mendicant monastic orders lead to an unusual gender imbalance in northern Europe in the late 12th century and lasted all through the 13th century. The feudal system defined strict rules for class and gender and there were few options for women. She could live under her father’s roof until wed, then live with a husband until widowed, then with a son. The only other choice for an “honest” unmarried woman was to become a nun. However, there were so many unmarried, widowed, or abandoned women in northern Europe, especially in the area we call Belgium, that the religious orders ran out of room and turned women away or required larger and larger contributions before accepting them. The Cistercians even went so far as to close their Order to women for a time. Out of necessity, a new role and lifestyle emerged for unmarried women who were willing to work honestly and live pious lives. They were called beguines (not to be confused with the Latin rhythm with the same name) or “holy women” and they lived together communally, dedicating themselves to God, prayer, and good works, though they didn’t take vows or belong to the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. While they were considered laywomen by the Church, in dress, demeanor, and action they appeared to the public as nuns. The name “beguine” may have come from the beige color of their habits, though other theories have been floated regarding their name. The biggest difference between them and nuns was beguines could leave the community to get married with no ill repercussions, but a nun did so only at the risk of excommunication and death.

Mary of Oignies receiving a vision

Mary of Oignies spent many
hours in prayer and fasting.
She wrote books filled with her
visions that influenced many.


At first, homeless women built cabins near each other outside the walls of the towns where they were able to help each other raise children, plant gardens, and sell their handiwork in the market. These ghettos of poor women were easy prey to bandits and worse. The women organized and raised funds to build walls and gates. This naturally gave them a group identity and status. Their walled communities were called begijnhofs or beguinages and some grew so large in the 13th century that they housed thousands of women and were virtual towns with markets, breweries, churches, hospitals, cemeteries, and administration halls. Younger women lived in convent-style apartments and the older or more well-to-do women lived in individual houses. By the end of the century nearly every town in Flanders had at least a small beguinage even if it didn’t have a regular convent. Beguines worked hard at many different occupations including such trades as spinning, weaving, and illuminating books. They were not beggars, but did fund-raising and accepted donations for their good work with the poor and infirm.

Since this was an age of religion and the women who lived in the beguinages were all Catholic, religion played a big part in their lives. However, due to the preaching of Mary of Oignies, an early adherent of the beguine lifestyle, the beguines were associated with a mystic form of Christian devotion.

Jacque (James) de Vitry
Jacques d’ Vitry (AKA James) was a
follower of Mary Oigines until her death.
Later he became bishop of Akko, a Crusader
stronghold, and Cardinal of Tesculum.

Mystics and Visionaries

Mary of Oignies came from a wealthy family and was well educated in several languages. She was a contemporary of St. Francis and, like him, was so moved by the suffering of her fellow man that she convinced her husband that they should live in chastity and sell all they had to go and minister to needs of lepers in Nivelles and Liège. According to her biographer and friend, Jacques de Vitry she was a true mystic who practiced severe asceticism and displayed gifts of the “spirit” such as deluges of tears, visions, and ecstasies. When Jacques met Mary she already had a large following and had established the first recorded beguinage. Mary was an evangelist (preacher, missionary) who modeled herself after the women of the early church who lived and preached alongside the other apostles and who “spoke as the spirit gave unction.” Vita apostolica, a life of evangelizing, was an important component of the early beguine movement. During the Middle Ages women were not allowed to be priests or preachers, but they were allowed to be prophets. Thus Mary was acceptable to the Church due to her chastity, piety, and visions. She also was one of the first women to ever receive the stigmata (12 years before St. Francis). Mary of Oignies died in 1213. Two years later Pope Honorius III give approval for pious women “to live in communal houses and encourage each other to do good by mutual exhortation.” In 1233, Pope Gregory IX formally brought “chase virgines in Teutonia” under Papal protection.

Other famous mystic beguines were Beatrice of Nazareth (1200–1268), Mechthild of Magdeburg (1212 –1282), Hadewijch of Brabant, and Marguerite Porete (d. 1310). They all wrote books in the common tongue about having a personal relationship with Jesus and how it was attainable by all. Beatrice was especially devoted to the Eucharist and demanded to partake of the Mass daily as a way of experiencing the presence and the body of Christ. This was unusual at the time since most people rarely were allowed to participate in the Mass and only watched priests perform the rite from behind a carved wooden partition. Mechthild (Matild) and Hadewijch (Hedwig) saw themselves as weak vessels called to prophesy “because God chooses the weak to confound the strong.” According to Abby Stoner, in Sister Between: Gender and the Medieval Beguines, “both women displayed a creativity and freshness of style that reflected their spiritual freedom as Beguines; their sense of self-confidence, divine authority, and personal intimacy with Christ often surpassed that of nuns, yet their contact with the secular world imbued their works with emotional immediacy.”

Hadewijch wrote of God as Love, which in Flemish is minne, and wrote many allegorical dialogues between Soul and Minne in the style of the courtly love poems of the French troubadours or minnesangers. Since minne is a feminine noun, “under the name of Minne, the Beguine mystics had a powerful feminine metaphor for God (Knuth). Mechthild was the first German mystic on record to have composed her works in the vernacular and thus is considered one of the founders of Die Deutsche Mystik, or German Mysticism. Her visions and dialogues were recorded by her followers in the Flowing Light of the Godhead.

Portrait by Antonello d' Massino
Beguine Mechthild of Magdeburg
translated and distributed
sections of the bible into the
common language 200
years before Martin Luther.

By the end of the 13th century, social upheaval lead to widespread religious ferment. Cults, heresies, and offshoot religions sprang up all over Europe. One of these that was often confused with the beguines was the Free Spirit movement. Whereas the beguines spoke of freedom, equality in Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Free Spirits believed that if one was touched by they Holy Spirit then nothing they did from then on was sin. They could do whatever they willed believing it was encouraged by the Holy Spirit, and therefore couldn’t be a sin. The beguines said that a life guided by the Holy Spirit would not be urged to sin. The difference between the doctrines was important but subtle enough to be exploited by those in the clergy that wished to further their careers by persecuting the powerful beguines as heretics.

The Catholic Church cracks down

One especially thorny beguine from France was Marguerite Porete. She was pointedly more anti-clerical than her predecessors, claiming to have knowledge of an invisible, ideal church in the spiritual world made up of “free and simple souls” who were called to judge the “little church” established on Earth. Even more troubling was her habit of traveling around Europe, preaching and disseminating pamphlets of excerpts from her book, The Mirror of Simple Souls, and condemning the excesses of the clergy. Marguerite was called before the Inquisition. The friar in charge of her case took parts of The Mirror out of context and sent them to Paris for review. They were declared heretical and she was pronounced a heratic. Marguerite Porete was burned at the stake in 1310. Mechthild and Hadewijch both eventually left their beguinages and joined regular convents to avoid persecution. In 1312, Pope Clement V censured the women “commonly known as Beguines” who took no vows of obedience nor followed an approved rule yet wore a special habit. He went on to accuse them of spreading opinions “contrary to the articles of faith and the sacraments of the Church, leading simple people into error.” The authorities began dissolving beguinages all over Europe. The women were either forced to leave and marry, join other approved orders, or suffer Marguerite’s fate. In 1318 Pope John XXII allowed that beguines who lived quietly and didn’t preach or discourse on the Trinity, could resume their way of life in the beguinages. By 1320 the vita apostolicamovement was all but over and the numbers of beguines slipped into steady decline. The beguinages were eventually converted to Catholic convents, universities, old people’s homes, and artist colonies. Of 96 Belgium beguinages, 20 still exist and many are now official UNESCO World Heritage sites.

beguines sewing clothing

Beguines in their habits
looked like nuns.

Medieval Women’s Movement

The beguines have been called the first women’s movement in Christian history and attracted attention from feminist writers in the late 20th century who framed the history of beguines as a gender struggle with misogynistic authority beating down feminine reason. I see a different dynamic at work. Certainly persecution played a part but something more basic than fear halted the spread of the beguine movement. The end of the Crusades, an improving economy, and a temporary gap between major outbreaks of the plague restored the balance in numbers of marriageable men and women. Fewer women turned to a life of chastity in a beguinage because they had more attractive alternatives. Those who were beguines had fewer reasons to stay after their friends and sisters left to marry or passed away. Since the population in the beguinages was not sustained the normal way—by childbearing—evangelizing and proselytizing were the only ways to maintain their numbers. Since theirs was a movement with no vows, rules, constitutions, or commitments—once they stopped preaching and living the vita apostolica—the glue that held it together was gone. However, it left behind a people who believed in freedom of worship and the possibility of a personal relationship with God. This ember of mysticism was not extinguished by the persecution, but continued to smolder in Germany, France, and Belgium until it finally burst into flame as the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century.


Wikipedia: Beguines 
The Beguines by Elizabeth T. Knuth, 1992
Sister Between Gender and Medieval Beguines by Abby Stoner, 1995
Hadewijch of Antwerp: The Love Mystic by Kimberly Arnold
Jacque d’ Vitry

CE-5 Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind

Global CE-5 – Saturday March 3, 2018 
Join with groups around the globe in making contact!
Thousands around the globe have already formed contact groups.
Now is the time to magnify global coherence by all of us coming together in higher consciousness in a way that can move the world and humanity onto the path of Universal Peace.
Ideas for participation in the Global CE-5
1. Get together with your existing group or form a group.
2. Plan to go out anytime between 9 pm and midnight on your time zone on the 3rd.  We are not picking a specific time as folks may need flexibility to get to a field work site or schedule when to meet.
3. Use the CE-5 protocols to call on the ETs in Universal Peace.
Imagine each individual or group as a light shining from Earth into the Cosmos – all on the same day around the globe.   The earth will be glowing!
If you want to form a group you can go to our free website/app – www.ETContactNetwork.com and put in your name and contact information.  If you don’t want to use your usual email , create a special email address just for this purpose and then you can form a group with others nearby.  If you do not put some form of contact information, no one will be able to reach you.
If you want ideas about how to make contact or how to form your own group you may want to use these tools:
iPhone or Android app – a full training program on what to look for, how to make contact and more.   Click here for a more complete description, but

go to your app store to purchase – ETContact Tool.

We have a comprehensive program including Dr. Greer’s books and CDs called the : Contact Training Program.  Click here for the details about it.
You may also want to watch some of our videos: Crossing Point of Light or the Glendale webinar available on our vimeo channel: www.vimeo.com/SiriusDisclosure or via youtube: www.Youtube.com/sdisclosure


Consciousness, sexuality, androgyny, futurism, space, the arts, science, astrology, democracy, humor, books, movies and more