Weekly Invitational Translation: Low information voters can screw everything up and still feel self-righteous.

Translation is a 5-step process of “straight thinking in te abstract” comparing and contrasting what you think is the truth with what you can syllogistically, axiomatically and mathematically (using word equations) prove is the truth.

The claims in a Translation may seem outrageous, but they are always (or should always be) based on self-evident syllogistic reasoning. Here is one Translation from this week. 

1)    Truth is that which is so.  That which is not truth is not so.  Therefore truth is all that is.  Truth being all is therefore complete, therefore thorough, therefore exact, therefore perfect.  I think therefore I am.  Since I am and since truth is all that is, therefore I am truth. Since I, being, am truth, therefore I, being, have all the attributes of truth.  Therefore I, being, am all, complete, thorough, exact, perfect.  Since I am truth and since I am mind (self-evident), therefore truth is mind.  (Two things equal to a third thing are equal to each other.)

2)    Low information voters can screw everything up and still feel self-righteous.

information:  knowledge, acknowledge, admit, allow, let, leave, love
vote:  vow, desire, choose
screw up:  mismanage, disrupt
manage:  to be in charge, to govern, to be responsible for
self-righteous:  sense of moral superiority

3)    Truth being all therefore one there is no inferior or superior since there is no other.  Therefore the oneness of truth precludes self-righteousness.  Truth being one, there can be no government or responsibility outside of truth, therefore truth is self-governing OR truth is responsible for itself.  Truth being one and choice implying two or more options, therefore truth is the only option.  Truth being consciousness and truth being all, therefore limitless or infinite, therefore truth is infinite consciousness.  Consciousness being knowing or acknowledging or admitting or allowing or giving leave to or loving, therefore infinite consciousness is infinite loving.

4)    The oneness of truth precludes self-righteousness. 
       Truth is self-governing OR truth is responsible for itself.
        Truth is the only option.
        Truth is infinite consciousness.
         Infinite consciousness is infinite loving.

5)    Infinite consciousness is infinite loving.

For information about Translation or other Prosperos classes go to: https://www.theprosperos.org/teaching.

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