Word-Built World: nefandous

The Daily Prophet, a newspaper in the Harry Potter universe. Image: Harry Potter Wiki

A.Word.A.Daywith Anu Garg

Eight billion people. That’s a lot of humanity — and a lot of personality! Which is why I believe one can never have too many words, especially words to describe people.

Sometimes a single word just won’t cut it when summing up someone’s essence. This week’s words might help. Who in your life, at work, or beyond fits one or more of these words?

Share on our website or email us at words@wordsmith.org. Include your location (city, state).





adjective: So wicked as to defy description: abominable, appalling.


From Latin nefandus (wicked), from ne- (not) + fandus (to be spoken), gerundive (verbal adjective) of fari (to speak). Earliest documented use: 1649.

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