One thought on “The “Oh My God” particle”

  1. My first thought on viewing this was, “That’s all very fine and well, but what exactly is ‘cowboy underwear’?” So I looked it up, using my usual search engine (that would be DuckDuckGo, which does not track), and discovered, to my amazement, that “cowboy underwear” is actually a Thing.

    My next thought was something along the lines of “I ought to get out more”, but then the question came back, “Why? If all you’re going to find is ‘cowboy underwear’?” Which is all understanding that the phrase “I need to get out more” applies here – I found all my information on line, after all…

    I then began to wonder: if there is a such thing as cowboy underwear, what kind of underwear is worn by cowgirls who get the blues (see post below, featuring Uma (not her real thumbs!) Thurman)? Or do they wear underwear at all (I have it on good authority that one way to lose the blues is to ditch one’s underwear…)?

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