Astrology of November 2024 – Pluto Enters Aquarius


November 2024 is marked by one of the most important ingresses of the year – if not of the decade: Pluto enters Aquarius.

Can we emphasize this shift enough? Pluto’s move from Capricorn to Aquarius marks a profound transition – from tradition and structure to a new era of innovation and collective ideals.

When Pluto enters a new sign (and this only happens once every 20 years on average), our lives, and society as a whole change in unprecedented ways. This is BIG. 

November brings a complete change in perspective as a record 5 planets change signs: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and, of course, Pluto. There’s potential for major shifts.

As if that weren’t enough, 2 planets change direction: Saturn goes direct on November 16th, and Mercury turns retrograde on November 26th, asking us to reconsider our goals (Mercury in Sagittarius) and evaluating our long-term legacy (Saturn in Pisces).

One thing leads to another, and by the end of the month, we may find ourselves wondering – what just happened?

pluto enters Aquarius in November 2024

Let’s dive into the most important transits of the month:

November 1st, 2024 – New Moon In Scorpio

On November 1st, 2024, we have a New Moon at 9° Scorpio. This is a supportive New Moon, trining Saturn in Pisces. 

The New Moon encourages focused commitment and deep introspection (Scorpio), helping us align our goals with our highest ideals (Pisces). With Saturn’s stabilizing influence, any seeds planted now have the potential to grow into a beautiful flower. 

November 2nd, 2024 – Mercury Enters Sagittarius

On November 2nd, 2024, Mercury leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius

In Sagittarius, Mercury seeks the “meaning of it all.” However, in the pursuit of big-picture truths, it can sometimes overlook important details.

Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius – but this doesn’t mean it’s not a great placement, or a great transit. While a factual, objective ‘Mercury in Gemini’ mindset is useful when we read the news, for example, life isn’t just about cold, hard facts. 

Sometimes we need a good Sagittarius story. Mercury in Sagittarius is the storyteller of the zodiac. Mercury in Sagittarius weaves together facts and meaning to create a larger narrative.

When Mercury is in Sagittarius, our mind becomes more imaginative and explorative. Our communication, more colorful and engaging. Our perspective of the world broadens, and we start to see the world through the Sagittarian lens of possibilities and adventures.

November 3rd, 2024 – Mars Opposite Pluto

On November 3rd, 2024, Mars (at 29° Cancer) opposes Pluto (at 29° Capricorn). The intensity of this transit has been slowly building up and will reach a peak on this day.

This is an unusually long transit (because of Mars’ upcoming retrogradation) that starts in November and lasts until April 27th, 2025.

Mars and Pluto are essentially in opposition for a record-breaking 6 months! That’s quite something. 

Mars will continue to confront Pluto as it shifts into Aquarius, marking an intense transition. Expect powerful changes and keep an eye on major news developments during this time!

November 4th, 2024 – Mars Enters Leo

On November 4th, 2024, Mars leaves Cancer and enters Leo

Somehow, we always notice when a planet moves into Leo, because that’s what Leo energy is all about: making an impression.

This isn’t because Leo is always seeking attention, but because, as the sign ruled by the Sun, Leo naturally radiates light, warmth, and presence. It’s hard not to feel the energy of a planet in Leo.

And with Mars – the boldest of planets – entering Leo, we can expect the temperature to rise pretty much straight away. With Mars in Leo, we’ll find it easier to connect to our hearts and take action from a place of truth and authenticity.

However, this is not your usual Mars transit. Mars will go retrograde on December 7th (at 6° Leo), which means the influence of Mars in Leo is here to stay. 

Mars will move back into Cancer during its retrograde phase and then re-enter Leo on April 18th, 2025, remaining there until June 17th, 2025. We’ll be talking about Mars in Leo for a loooong time. 

Pay attention to the day of the ingress – any themes that surface will likely continue to evolve and play out over the next several months.

November 11th, 2024 – Venus Enters Capricorn

On November 11th, 2024, Venus enters Capricorn

Venus is what we like and what we value. Capricorn is ambitious and strategic. When Venus is in Capricorn, we become more intentional and calculated about what we truly want. Our standards naturally rise.

Capricorn likes clarity, so if you are a bit unsure about where you’re at, Venus in Capricorn will help you nail your priorities. Once you know what you want, there’s nothing that is going to stop you from attracting it into your life. 

November 15th, 2024 – Full Moon In Taurus

On November 15th, 2024, we have a Full Moon at 24° Taurus. This is a powerful – and potentially unpredictable – Full Moon because it is conjunct Uranus at 25° Taurus. 

With this super tight orb, there’s no escaping Uranus’ influence; while we may be pushed outside our comfort zones, this aspect will also bring breakthroughs and sudden realizations that will invite new possibilities.

And with Uranus, we always talk about the right type of possibilities – ones that are aligned with our higher purpose.

In addition to Uranus, the Full Moon makes supportive aspects to Pluto in Capricorn (trine) and Neptune in Pisces (sextile), which adds depth and a sense of inspired possibility.

The Full Moon in Taurus invites us to embrace change, let go of limiting patterns, and tune into our intuition for greater clarity.

November 16th, 2024 – Saturn Turns Direct

On November 16th, 2024, Saturn goes direct at 12° Pisces. When Saturn is stationary direct, its influence is amplified, making this a great time for moving stuck projects forward.

In astrology, Saturn is called “The Great Teacher” for a reason: no other planet teaches us as much about life as Saturn does, and no other planet can reward us as deeply.

As Saturn returns to direct motion, we are supported in confronting and resolving past issues or emotional (Pisces) blocks (Saturn) that may have surfaced during its retrograde period.

One key theme of Saturn in Pisces is learning about emotional boundaries. Emotional boundaries can be subtle, ranging from ignoring one’s inner voice and giving in to others’ expectations, to oversharing in an unconscious attempt to gain attention. 

Setting healthy emotional boundaries means (a) trusting and acting in alignment with our true feelings and (b) taking responsibility for our emotions, sharing them thoughtfully with the right people and in the appropriate context.

November 19th, 2024 – Pluto Enters Aquarius

On November 19th, 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius. This is the BIG day: Pluto officially crosses the threshold and begins its 2-decade journey through Aquarius.

Yes, you read that right – 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius! Some of us might even be thinking, “20 years? Will I even be alive in 2044?”.

When the farthest planet in our solar system changes signs, this is a big deal. We are talking about a shift that will impact the very fabric of our society – as well as every single one of us on both a collective and personal level.

This energy isn’t entirely new to us; we already got a taste of Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto dipped into the sign for 6 weeks (from March 23rd, 2023, until June 11th, 2023) and then again for 7 months (from January 21st, 2024, until September 1st, 2024).

Additionally, Saturn and Jupiter’s recent transit through Aquarius (2020-2023) gave us a preview of Aquarius themes and what they mean in today’s world.

But this time, it’s different. Pluto enters Aquarius for good. There’s no turning back. This transit has a solemn, almost fated quality, as if crossing a threshold. 

Pluto will not be returning to Capricorn, and things will never be quite the same. As we conclude Pluto’s long journey through Capricorn, it’s time to set an intention for the next couple of decades.

November 21st, 2024 – Sun Enters Sagittarius

On November 21st, 2024, the Sun enters Sagittarius. Happy birthday to all Sagittarians out there! With this shift, enthusiasm is restored as we get closer to Christmas and other December celebrations.

The Sagittarius season is one of optimism and expansion – it’s the time of year when we celebrate Thanksgiving, Saint Nicholas Day, and other spirited, Sagittarian festivities. 

On December 8th, we also observe Bodhi Day, or the Day of Enlightenment, which celebrates Buddha’s journey to enlightenment, a true Sagittarian celebration of wisdom and higher understanding.

The Sagittarius season is a great time to broaden our horizons, enjoy life’s experiences, and prepare for what the end of the year will bring.

November 26th, 2024 – Mercury Goes Retrograde

On November 26th, 2024, Mercury goes retrograde at 22° Sagittarius. Mercury will stay retrograde until December 16th, when it stations at 6° Sagittarius.

If you have planets or angles between 6-22° Sagittarius (or in the other mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces), you’ll experience this Mercury retrograde more intensely.

During the next three weeks, Mercury will square Saturn in Pisces and oppose Jupiter in Gemini, prompting a thorough re-evaluation of our mindset.

The opposition to Jupiter encourages us to explore big ideas and fresh possibilities, while the square to Saturn will keep us in check, “Is it realistic?”. 

This is a great time to question assumptions, view situations from new perspectives, and arrive at better solutions.

Mercury in Sagittarius is concerned with our long-term goals; this Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to review these goals and adjust them to better align with our true vision and values.

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