The Astrology Podcast • Oct 30, 2024 • Monthly Astrology Forecasts A look ahead at the astrological forecast for November 2024, with astrologers Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. We spend the first hour talking about news and events since our last forecast, and then in the second hour we transition into talking about the astrology of November. This month opens with a tense Mars-Pluto opposition that coincides with an optimistic Venus-Jupiter opposition, and then by later in the month there is a surprising Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus. Saturn slows down and stations direct in the watery sign of Pisces, while Pluto departs from Capricorn and makes it final ingress into futuristic Aquarius where it will stay for the next two decades. By the end of the month Mercury slows down and stations retrograde while squaring a misleading Neptune, and this configuration leads us into the drama of the Mars retrograde station in Leo that happens in early December. This is episode 466 of The Astrology Podcast:…Northwest Astrological Conference https://norwac.netChris’s Patreon / astrologypodcast Austin’s Website 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:45 Quick overview of November 00:03:29 News segment 00:53:33 November forecast 02:26:44 End cards