Taurus Full Moon, Nov. 12, 2019

Wendy Cicchetti

The exalted Taurus Full Moon suggests that we have a mission to give extra support — or we could feel external pressure to do so — yet real power may lie with the person most in need of support. The Scorpio Sun conjoins communicative Mercury, giving needs a voice or threatening to expose something. Scorpio’s famous silence and hidden depths often keep information safely close to the chest, yet the sign’s fixity can create a situation of being stuck, with projects prevented from coming to fruition. Scorpio benefits from perseverance and dogged determination in reaching goals, but this may take time.

The Sun and Mercury huddle around 19° Scorpio. This is highlighted as a difficult degree by 17th-century astrologer William Lilly, who termed it (from 18°00′ to 18°59′ Scorpio) an Azimene degree: “lame” or “deficient” — often indicating a physical defect, if involving the Ascendant, Sun, or Moon. We might also see “lame” in a wider perspective, considering a later label for 19° Scorpio: “Serpentis,” associated with tragedy, misfortune, and wrongdoing. In Lilly’s Christian Astrology, he does not appear to focus only on events, but I have generally found the most significance in observing this degree in relation to life events, relationships, and decisions.

Anthony Louis, in his 1991 book Horary Astrology: The History and Practice of Astro-Divination, allows a 1° orb for significant degrees and notes Serpentis in charts where “all turned out well.” Derek Appleby, in Horary Astrology (1985), said of Serpentis: “This is a strange and potent degree … a tragic degree of the nature of Mars/ Saturn, and I have never known anything prosper under its ray.” (p. 51) These conclusions seem contradictory, and the arguably more positive Northern Scale/Zubeneschamali of sidereal Libra now occupies this degree. Over the years, I have noticed lame and deficient qualities at play, but believe it is up to us to work out our own positive lines of action, whatever the events. Such events, with the Sun around a 1° orb of Serpentis, have ranged from frankly shocking situations to social or business relationships petering out in a “deflating balloon” fashion.

One example is that of an associate literally stopped in their tracks when they were arrested for criminal activities — deeply hidden and typically Scorpionic — despite trying hard to combat a “dark” side. Less extreme was a frustrating work situation, with endeavors limping along unproductively or painfully and nothing progressing in a helpful direction. Both resulted in people quietly walking away (also Scorpionic). In a more lighthearted vein, there is the story of a visiting Eagles tribute band, normally strong ticket-sellers; our local arts venue gave them a lukewarm reception in a half-empty hall that night. Despite good music, their name (the title of a big hit) was in keeping with the Serpentis theme: “Desperado”!

The common thread, across these instances, is the sense of being powerless to influence a wholly positive outcome. Connections were somehow weak and, in some cases, eventually just dried up altogether. If there is a positive to be found in every negative, however, the lesson here may be to appreciate that we benefit from recognizing when to back off from a situation, that some outcomes must simply run their course and we are unable to affect anything.

This Taurus Moon may have the weightiness of a Serpentis shadow over it, but is also conjunct Vesta, providing a certain purity associated with fire. This brings to mind the sacred “Violet Flame” mantra to utter whenever protection or clarity is required: “I am a being of violet fire; I am the purity God desires” — perhaps especially useful for anyone dealing with Scorpio Mercury–Sun phenomena, such as stinging words, jealous thoughts, or intense feelings.

The Moon is helpfully trine Saturn–Pluto in Capricorn, strengthening the earthy idea of practicality and stability, hearth and home, where we can draw extra comfort. In trying situations, following rules and guidelines may provide inner support. The Moon also sextiles compassionate Neptune, eliciting a request for mercy and forgiveness for whoever needs it the most.

This article is from the Mountain Astrologer, written by Diana Collis.

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