Tag Archives: Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto In Aquarius And Sun Conjunct Pluto


On January 20th- January 21st, 2024 we have some BIG transits happening.

The Sun and Pluto meet at the very last minute of the very last Capricorn degree (29°59’).

They then march together hand in hand in Aquarius, so one day later, on January 21st, 2024, we have both the Sun and Pluto at 0°.

This is that once-every-year Sun in Aquarius ingress. This is the once-every-250-years Sun in Aquarius ingress. This is that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to align your goals and purpose in life (Sun) with the transformative power of collective change (Pluto).

A big chapter of your life comes to an end. As Sun and Pluto meet at the very end of Capricorn, there is a sense of urgency to have a breakthrough and to find closure to an area of your life connected to the Capriorn sector of your chart.

Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is HUGE. And Pluto’s ingress WITH the Sun makes things personal. The Sun makes it much easier to relate to this shift. The Sun-Pluto conjunction is a unique opportunity to check what this Pluto in Aquarius shift means for you at a personal level.

The Sun is the essence of who we are. It’s the center dot in the circle. It’s our spiritual purpose – our goals and direction in life.

We identify so much with our Sun because the Sun is what gives our existence meaning. Sure, all the other planets create the unique individual that we are. But the Sun is at the center. It’s the core of our being.

As a transpersonal planet, Pluto influences us at a much more subtle level. Pluto influences our society as a whole, and we are indirectly influenced by Pluto since we are all part of society. When there are big economic or cultural shifts, we individuals are affected as well.

Pluto In Aquarius – 2024-2044

On January 21st, 2024 Pluto moves from Capricorn to Aquarius. This is an epochal shift we already got a taste of in 2023 (from March to June) when Pluto spent a few weeks in Aquarius. This is when AI and Chat GPT got popularized, and when we understood that the world will never be the same again.

What can we expect from the next 20 years of Pluto in Aquarius?

A temptation would be to focus on the influence of technology and AI, but let’s take a look at the deeper dynamics at play.

Both Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. Aquarius follows Capricorn. The ‘rules’ established by Capricorn are now put to the test. Are implemented. We get to see if they work – or not.

Saturn is the set of rules and systems our society is built on. Capricorn is the input part of the system. Aquarius is the output, or the feedback loop.

If Capricorn is the rulers and the rules, Aquarius is the “voice of the people ”, or how the world reacts to Capricorn’s rules and regulations.

Pluto in Capricorn metrics of success would be along the lines of “being a published author” “speaking at conferences”, “graduating from a prestigious university”, “having x peer-reviewed publications” – these are basically standards meant to ensure accomplishment within established societal frameworks.

Standards make sense, but they have their limitations.

Someone can be the best teacher according to Capricorn’s metrics of success, but if no student likes them, if their teaching method doesn’t actually work, are they still a great teacher? What makes someone a great teacher? Who establishes the criteria that someone is a great teacher?

One-to-many broadcasting models like radio and television made total sense back in the day. We needed capital and infrastructure (Capricorn) to establish news stations and publishing houses.

But when these channels become one-sided, used to propagate a certain (top-down) type of message, then it’s only natural – and in the best interest of the system – to look for information elsewhere.

We can’t fight nature, just like we can’t stop Pluto from circling the Sun, moving from Capricorn into Aquarius.

Pluto In Aquarius And The Collective Brain

When Pluto moves into Aquarius, rules and guidelines implemented years, decades or even centuries ago are tested for efficacy and efficiency.

Are they still relevant? Is there a better way?

When rules don’t make sense, people don’t follow them. There’s a group intelligence (Aquarius) that over time gains real-life experience, and simply ‘knows better’ than a few individuals at the top.

Oftentimes, policy-makers come up with initiatives derived from abstract ideals without understanding what actually happens on the ground level, without checking in with people’s everyday realities. What are they struggling with?

The paradox with being on the top of the mountain (Capricorn) is that you’re at the greatest distance from everyone else.

When you’re on the top of the mountain you can no longer see, or hear what’s happening at the ground level.

And of course, it’s easy to relate to this metaphor when we think of institutions or people of authority.

What we often forget is that we all have Capricorn in our natal charts. There’s a part of us that is Capricorn-wired. That sector of our life has been under very intense scrutiny in the past 15 years (when Pluto was in Capricorn). We’ve all learned a thing or two about the benefits, and the limitations of the Capricorn approach.

But the clock is ticking. Pluto is moving into Aquarius. In the next 20 years, Pluto will revolutionize the Aquarius sector of our chart from the inside out.

The more we proactively embrace transformation, the sooner we embody the higher expression of Aquarius – the less we will struggle with the inevitable changes that Pluto in Aquarius brings.

What does Pluto’s move into Aquarius mean for us, at an individual level?

Sun And Pluto Enter Aquarius – A New World, A New “You”

The Sun and Pluto ingress into Aquarius on January 21st, 2024 will give us a very direct and personal taste of this shift.

With Pluto in Aquarius, instead of relying on traditional ’metrics’ of success like a prestigious school diploma, a high yearly income, ideal weight, and number of social media followers – we want to shift our focus onto more bottom-up types of success indicators to run our lives.

What’s the actual feedback you get from others? What do others think you do well? What do others think that matters?

Do people actually listen to you when you talk about a certain topic? Are they being lit up and inspired? Do they ask follow-up questions? Or they nod their head, and look away in boredom?

Are you appreciated at your job – do you get positive feedback, raises and promotions? Or you get into conflict, and can’t keep a job for long?

If you’re working with people, are they coming back to you for more? Or they’re one-time clients, ghosting you when you follow up via email?

Does your current diet or health regimen (recommended by X doctor or Y social media influencer) give you actual results? Or perhaps there’s a different way to stay in good health, by tuning into your unique body design and needs?

When Pluto moves into Aquarius, we can no longer rely on ‘standards’ or conventional measures of success to define our goals and success in life.

The emphasis shifts from top-down success indicators “I’m a doctor/I’m a social media influencer, therefore I’m successful”, toward bottom-up success indicators “My results tell me whether I’m on the right track, and what to do next”.

Pluto in Aquarius invites us to reframe our perspective, by seeking more feedback and authentic connection with others.

Pluto in Aquarius calls us to listen to the collective voice, to the community intelligence that goes beyond unquestioned societal rules and hierarchical structures.

Each single one of us is unique, and has something special to offer to the world. It’s the community intelligence that will help us discover and refine what that unique thing is.

Pluto into Aquarius in History

The Astrology Podcast • Jan 13, 2024 • Exploring past periods when Pluto was in Aquarius in history to find out what will happen in the future now that Pluto is returning to that zodiac sign for 20 years, with astrologers Chris Brennan and Nick Dagan Best. During the course of the episode we talk through twelve different historical eras when Pluto was in Aquarius, and explore how this astrological transit has correlated with major developments and shifts throughout history, particularly in the realms of technology, society, and even astrology itself. From the birth of natal astrology to the spread of new technologies and the reshaping of societies, these periods have been marked by profound change. Join us as we explore these historical threads and consider their implications for the future. This is episode 432 of The Astrology Podcast:

Pluto In Aquarius 2023-2043 – What To Expect

Astro Butterfly Mar 26, 2023

Pluto is now in Aquarius. What can we expect from Pluto in Aquarius – as a collective, and as individuals?

At a collective level, Pluto in Aquarius will draw our attention to Aquarius themes like groups of people, society, technology, innovation, and our hopes and dreams for the future.

At an individual level, when Pluto moves into a different sign, your focus will shift to completely new areas of your life.

Pluto rules a particular area of your life, i.e. the house where you have Scorpio on the cusp. Let’s take an example. If Scorpio is your 6th house, then Pluto rules the 6th house areas of your life: work, health, productivity, work-life balance.

If when Pluto was in Capricorn (in the last 16 years) your approach to work and health was Capricorn in nature, from now on (in the next 20 years) your approach to work will be Aquarian in nature.

You may feel drawn to more innovative fields of work. Your work will be driven by a desire to help humanity (Aquarius) rather than climbing the career ladder (Caoricron) or making your boss happy (Capricorn, again). You may want to feel part of a community (Aquarius), rather than work under direct supervision (Capricorn).

You may use new gadgets, new technology, or alternative medicine (Aquarius) to monitor and improve your health, rather than always listening to your GP (Capricorn).

Pluto in Aquarius is an invitation to take a more Aquarian approach to our life.

Many people associate Aquarius with technology, robots and AI. And while Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is indeed concerned with progress and innovation, associating Aquarius with technology is missing the point.

Aquarius is the sign of friends, communities, and groups of people. Aquarius is the sign of humanity. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, Europeans broke away from monarchy and draconian rules. We had the French Revolution. We had the signing of the American constitution.

This is also when the steam engine was invented, which revolutionized transportation and manufacturing. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was founded, which marked the beginning of the animal welfare movement.

What do all these movements have in common? They shifted the focus from top-down ruling (Capricorn) to the people and well-being of everyone.

The Aquarian transformation always starts with an agenda of helping humanity as a whole.

The goal of Aquarius is to bring people together, is to help us find a sense of belonging.

And “how” Aquarius does that can be mediated through technology. Or not. If technology is not set up in the best interest of the people, then technology may not be the answer.

In fact, while Pluto is in Aquarius, we may see a countermovement of people switching off their devices and focusing on making genuine offline connections.

Technology has a positive side too. You’re reading this article thanks to Aquarius’ innovation. Online platforms can be used to find like-minded people (for example astrology lovers) who can later become our friends.

Do we use technology as a means to an end or as an end goal in itself?

Pluto in Aquarius is an invitation to rethink, restructure and revolutionize the area of your life that is ruled by Pluto, so you can find a greater sense of connection and belonging.

In Module 4 of the “PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New Era, A New You” we focus on the collective influence of Pluto in Aquarius, as well as on the different ways this energy influences us as individuals, depending on the particularities of our natal chart.

The program starts on Monday, March 27th, 2023. If you feel called, join us here:


The 3 Stages Of Pluto’s Cycle Of Change

Astro Butterfly Mar 23, 2023

Pluto is now in Aquarius! This is time to start again from a clean state, and become intentional about the life you want to co-create with the Universe.

To understand what to expect from Pluto in Aquarius, let’s get back to how Pluto transits work in general.

When Pluto ingresses in a new sign, it will completely transform the values, themes and modus operandi of that sign. The type of transformation Pluto generates is very profound. That’s why Pluto spends 20 years on average in each sign!

Although Pluto’s ways are by definition mysterious and beyond our control, understanding Pluto’s cycle of change will help us go with the flow of the Universe, rather than against it.

Pluto’s cycle of change is a 3-stage process that describes the way Pluto operates through our natal chart placement, and through transits.

The 3 Stages Of Pluto’s Cycle Of Change

The 3 stages of Pluto’s cycle of change are: 1) disempowerment2) awareness, and 3) transformation. The cycle follows what Carl Jung calls “individuation” or the process of becoming a distinct and integrated unity.

Understanding the natural sequence of this cycle will help us understand Pluto’s “final agenda”, put things into perspective and take ownership of the change process.

The 1st stage of Pluto’s process of change is disempowerment.

This is when we fail to assert our personal will, either because there are outside forces that prevent us from doing what we want, or because we are not aware of what we want.

We have our first experiences of disempowerment very early in life, for example when our parents – sometimes knowingly, mostly unknowingly – force their will on us and don’t feed us when we want to be fed. Or when we want to play, but are sent to bed. Or when an older child at school overpowers us physically.

Pluto disempowerment experiences are usually inflicted through emotional, psychological or physical abuse. There is always some sort of a display of power associated with these Plutonic experiences.

We realize that whoever is inflicting the Plutonic abuse on us, is well aware of it and does so with intention. There is usually an element of “I’m stronger than you, and I’ll use you to satisfy my own needs and desires”.

We know we are in this 1st Pluto stage “disempowerment” when we experience fear, angst, uncertainty and powerlessness.

The 2nd stage of Pluto’s process of change is awareness.

This is when we go into the underworld and try to understand what it is that is disempowering us. By re-living the initial disempowering episodes, we bring the unprocessed feelings and experiences from the subconscious, into the conscious.

This is the most intense stage of Pluto’s cycle of change, but also the most liberating one. In this stage, we may experience great distress, resistance, and feelings of being out of control.

It’s very important we don’t give up half-way through the process. The deeper the resistance, the deeper and deeper we want to go into our understanding, until we find acceptance and release.

If we don’t succumb to the pressure and the “awareness” phase goes well, we’ll eventually find our true power. Not a power that seeks to control, take advantage of, and win, but a power that seeks to express one’s truth in a way that serves the best interests of humanity at large.

We know we’re in this stage when we find release or catharsis, and gain a new understanding of ourselves.

Finally, the 3rd stage is transformation through action.

This is when we get our power back, but instead of acting from our individual, selfish, ‘Mars’ wants and needs, we act responsibly and in the best interest of the collective.

This process of transformation is continuous, because our actions need to be regularly challenged and aligned with our environment. We know we’re in this stage when we find a sense of flow, and feel energized and alive.

This stage is not the end. The process of individuation is aspirational in nature. It’s a ‘moving towards’, rather than a ‘getting there’.

With Pluto, we cannot skip stages. We have to go to the underworld. We may find ourselves at different stages in the Pluto cycle of change at different times in our life.

If you’re not sure in which transformation phase you are in, pay attention to your feelings: do you feel fear? That’s the 1st stage. Do you feel catharsis and release? That’s the 2nd stage. Do you feel alive, energized and in flow with the Universe? That’s stage number 3.

PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New World, A New You

Pluto’s cycle of change is just one of the many concepts we cover in “PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New World, A New You”.

To understand what to expect from Pluto in Aquarius, a prerequisite is understanding what Pluto stands for, and how Pluto operates.

That’s why in the 1st module of the program, we focus solely on Pluto.

This 1st module comes with various lessons that give us a comprehensive understanding of Pluto: from Pluto in myth, to Pluto in astronomy, to key Pluto attributes, to Plutonic celebrities case study, to the Pluto cycle of change (what we briefly covered in this email), to assignments that will help you internalize the learning.

In addition to the course material, on March 28th, 2023 we also offer a live Pluto meditation to help you get in touch with this archetype experientially. The meditation is offered either at 9:00 AM or 3:00 PM PDT (you can choose the one that works for your time zone) and if you can’t make it live, you can watch the recording.

And this is just the 1st Module of the program. In Module 2, we focus on the role Pluto plays in your chart, in Module 3, on Pluto’s transits, and finally, in Module 4 we are ready to explore Pluto in Aquarius.

Learn more about “PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New World, A New You” and join us here:


Pluto In Aquarius – A New Era, A New You

Astro Butterfly Mar 23, 2023

The world is about to change: on March 23rd, 2023 Pluto moves into Aquarius.

As you may already know by now (everyone is talking about Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius) THIS IS BIG. This is the most important ingress of the year, and one of the most important ingresses of the decade.

Pluto will spend 2 decades in Aquarius, transforming the collective AND the individual in profound ways.

Pluto only changes signs once every 20 years, and when it does, our focus shifts to completely new areas.

If in the last 15 years (when Pluto was in Capricorn) you focused on your health or your work for example, when Pluto enters Aquarius, your focus will shift to a completely new area, like relationships. What was top of mind and an everyday reality for the past 15 years will no longer be relevant.

Pluto In Aquarius – The Only Constant Is Change

Can you feel the wind of change? Perhaps you can tell that there’s something brewing, but you can’t really put your finger on it.

Or perhaps you’re going through a transition in your life and you’re painfully aware of what’s up for a change.

In the window of time when a slow moving planet like Pluto changes sign, we usually go through some sort of transition and transformation. One area of our life comes to a natural end. One door closes, and another one opens.

But what’s on the other side?

Change can be exciting and exhilarating, OR a source of anxiety and uncertainty.

Every transit comes with a unique opportunity. We can look at Pluto in Aquarius as a destabilizing influence, OR as an opportunity to co-create with the universe and transform our lives in ways we’ve never done before.

Sometimes we resist change because “better the devil you know, right”? And while sticking to the familiar may make sense in many situations, when Pluto changes signs, the last thing we want to do is get stuck in the past. Pluto’s key function is CHANGE. As the higher octave of Mars, Pluto wants to keep the engine of the universe going.

Working with Pluto is not easy, but the journey is totally worth it. Just like a diamond is what emerges when a piece of graphite is exposed to high pressure and high temperature, a new, better version of yourself will come to life forward when you do the “Pluto work”.

What to expect from Pluto in Aquarius? I wrote several reports about Pluto in Aquarius (and will write a few more) but the truth is that if you really want to understand this transit, reading about it or watching some videos doesn’t move the needle.

Of course, we can grasp Pluto in Aquarius at an intellectual level (especially those of us more versed in astrology) but when we consume content, we’re in the spectator seat. We’re not in the middle of the action.

Pluto In Aquarius – A New Era, A New You

If you’re ready to get in the middle of the action, the Astro Butterfly school is happy to invite you to join “PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New Era, A New You”.

“PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New Era, A New You” is a 2-week initiatic journey into the heart of Pluto.

This is not just an online course – this is an experiential immersion into Pluto that will help you make sense of Pluto at a deep level.

Every transit is an opportunity. We can miss the train, OR we can get a front-seat ticket and navigate through the challenges and opportunities of the journey with awareness.

“PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New Era, A New You” is your ticket to the Pluto train. The course will give you all the tools you need to help you connect with Pluto at a deep level, and make the best of this important astrological event.

The program starts on Monday, March 27th, 2023 and consists of carefully designed instructional videos, tutorials, assignments, chart and transit examples, meditations, Q&A, workshops, sharing and community support.

The 4 modules of the course are released on Mondays and Thursdays over 2 weeks. In Module 1 we cover the Pluto archetype, in Module 2, Pluto in your natal chart, in Module 3, Pluto transits, and in Module 4, Pluto’s transit in Aquarius.

You get lifetime access to the course materials and course recordings, but we recommend you go through the process in the next 2 weeks, to make the best out of the current astrological backdrop.

Learn more about the program and join us here:

“PLUTO IN AQUARIUS – A New Era, A New You”

Pluto in Aquarius – AI, Financial sector shake-up and more

Astro Butterfly Mar 18, 2023

What do 2008 and 2023 have in common?

Huge economic and technology shifts…

The collapse of important financial institutions…

AND Pluto changing signs.

On March 23rd, 2023, Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. Pluto only changes signs once every 20 years on average, so this is HUGE.

Pluto’s ingress into a new sign coincides with important economic, social, and political events.

Our lives, and society as a whole, will change in unprecedented ways.

Pluto is now days away from ingressing into Aquarius. It’s knocking on the door. And we can already feel its influence.

Everyone is talking about AI. AI and technology are Aquarius themes. Undoubtedly, Pluto in Aquarius will bring these themes to the forefront.

Will this mean that everything will be AI from now on? That we will all live in a metaverse? That robots and technology will make us obsolete?

Not necessarily.

Pluto in Aquarius will not necessarily bring an expansion of AI and technology (expansion is more of a Jupiter influence). Pluto in Aquarius will reform AI and technology.

This means that whatever is not built on sustainable foundations will crumble. The dark side of technology will be exposed. And the value-creating side of technology will prevail.

Of course, reformation takes time. Systemic change doesn’t happen overnight. Pluto in Aquarius will initially bring chaos and uncertainty.

That’s just how Pluto operates. First, the dirt is exposed. Everyone panics. Then in the emerged chaos we find new, creative solutions.

To understand what to expect from Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius, let’s look back at what happened in the past few years, when Jupiter and Saturn were transiting the sign.

Jupiter was in Aquarius from December 2020 until December 2021. This is when digitalization, fueled by Covid work and study from home policies, went through the roof.

Jupiter brought us an expansion of Aquarius themes like technology, new communication media, digitalization and online collaboration.

Saturn was in Aquarius from December 2020 until March 2023. If Jupiter’s role is to expand, Saturn’s role is to implement, systematize, and make things real.

Saturn ‘sealed the deal’ by creating and implementing systems, frameworks, and rules to make sure that technology and digitalization are here to stay.

What about Pluto in Aquarius?

Pluto’s role is to stress-test whatever Jupiter and Saturn have been working on in the last 3 years. Is this new digitally-driven world sustainable? Is AI here to stay? Maybe yes, maybe no.

Pluto’s goal is to preserve life, and in the process, Pluto will eliminate anything that is rotten and cannot sustain growth. Pluto will also fuel and empower those initiatives that keep the system alive and create sustainable growth.

Pluto is the planet of power. The sign Pluto is in gives us clues about who has the power. When Pluto was in Sagittarius, the risk takers had the power. When Pluto was in Capricorn, big institutions and politics had the power.

Pluto In Aquarius – Power To The People?

Now when Pluto is in Aquarius, we, the people, have the power.

This may sound very enticing, but with great power comes great responsibility. I recently watched a movie series called “Outlast” where 4 teams were dropped into the Alaskan wilderness to compete against each other.

Driven to win the big prize, some people resorted to cheating, and even endangering other players’ lives, by stealing their equipment and sleeping bags. Other players who couldn’t work as a team were eliminated.

The experiment was a good metaphor for Pluto in Aquarius’ good, bad, and the ugly sides. Aquarius rules groups of people, and the unevolved side of Pluto in Aquarius is “my group against your group”.

The evolved side of Pluto Aquarius empowers humanity. The American constitution, still considered the pinnacle of ‘rights for all’, was written when Pluto was last in Aquarius, 236 years ago.

Pluto In Aquarius And The Financial System

Coming back to the current Pluto in Aquarius themes – defaulted financial institutions, and AI.

Who will bail out the banks? In the Pluto in Capricorn era, the state bailed out the banks (with tax funded debt). In the Pluto Aquarius era, it’s us the people who will take responsibility for the fiasco of a system we have perhaps contributed to, if not directly, implicitly, by going along with it.

Just like in “Outlast in Alaska” some people will no longer want to pay faulty decision makers’ debt via inflation or increased taxes – basically from their own pockets.

Perhaps people will no longer trust financial institutions that have defaulted them again and again, and will choose to move to more transparent or democratic systems.

And perhaps some people will reflect on how they themselves have contributed to the current situation by going into debt or buying into “get rich quick” schemes without backing their investments with value creation.

Pluto In Aquarius And AI

What about AI?

The future of AI in the Age Of Aquarius will depend on what we do with Pluto’s power: we use it, or we abuse it?

Do we use AI/Chat GPT to replace education or creativity and “trick the system”, OR do we use them as tools to create value?

I asked Chat GPT to come up with a poem about the Age Of Aquarius. This is what it came with:

“The Age of Aquarius is here,
A time of change, a time to cheer,
The water-bearer brings a new dawn,
A world where love and peace are born.

The old ways crumble, the new arise,
The veil is lifted, truth is realized,
With open hearts and minds we’ll see,
The unity of all humanity.

As we embrace this cosmic shift,
We’re guided by the stars and their gifts,
We’ll dance and sing in harmony,
With nature, love, and divinity.

So let us welcome this new age,
Where love and light will pave the way,
With hope and joy in our hearts ablaze,
Let’s create a better world today.”

Some may say it’s a beautiful uplifting vision for the future. Others, that’s dystopian, void of feelings and scary. Pluto’s 20-year transit in Aquarius can be either of these.

It’s totally up to us.

AI can be the ghost in the machine or the machine in the ghost. AI is what we feed AI with.

Finally, I asked Chat GPT to write a fable about Pluto in Aquarius:

“Once upon a time, Pluto was feeling lost and out of place. It was no longer considered a planet by the scientific community, and it was struggling to find its place in the universe. One day, Pluto discovered that it had entered the sign of Aquarius.

Excited by this discovery, Pluto started to embrace the Aquarian energy and began to feel more confident and powerful. It started to realize that it had the ability to create and shape the world around it, just like the people born under this sign.

Pluto began to explore its newfound Aquarian identity, experimenting with new ideas and technologies. It started to build robots and AI to help it in its quest for knowledge and understanding.

But soon, Pluto realized that even with all its power and technology, it couldn’t control everything. People still had free will and could choose to reject Pluto’s ideas and ways of doing things.

Feeling frustrated, Pluto went to see an astrologer who specialized in Aquarian energy. The astrologer listened patiently to Pluto’s complaints and then said, “Pluto, my dear, in the Age of Aquarius, people will always have the last say. It’s not about controlling them; it’s about empowering them to make their own choices and create their own futures.”

Pluto realized that the astrologer was right. It wasn’t about trying to control people or change them; it was about empowering them to make their own decisions and create a better world together.

With this new perspective, Pluto continued to embrace its Aquarian energy, but now with a more humble and collaborative approach. And as it worked with people to create a better world, Pluto discovered a new sense of purpose and belonging in the universe.”

Astrology Of March 2023 – A New Era, Saturn In Pisces, Pluto In Aquarius

Astro Butterfly Mar 1, 2023

March 2023 is that month of the year that everyone is excited about – and a bit frightened of.

In March, the 2 “giants”, Pluto and Aquarius, change signs. I can’t emphasize enough what a bit of a deal this is.

On March 12th, 2023 Jupiter and Chiron meet in a rare conjunction in Aries. This transit is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in touch with our identity wound and heal it.

In a regular month we have 1, maxim 2 conjunctions… in March 2023, we have a record of 7 conjunctions! Conjunctions are when new planetary cycles begin. This is a very strong forward momentum energy.

On March 21st, 2023 we have a New Moon in the first degree of the zodiac (0° Aries). That’s another huge portal that is being opened.

March 2023 is one of those moments in time that we will come back to again and again. Whether or not something concrete happens in your life – this is when major seeds are being planted. This is when completely new chapters in your life are being written.

But let’s take a look at the most important transits of the month:

March 2nd-3rd, 2023 – Venus Conjunct Jupiter And Chiron

On March 2nd, Venus is conjunct Jupiter at 12° Aries. One day later, Venus is conjunct Chiron at 13° Aries.

Normally, Venus conjunct Jupiter is one of the 5-star transits of the year. Venus conjunct Jupiter is a bubbly, optimistic energy that helps us attract what we want.

This particular Venus-Jupiter conjunction is a bit different. Venus and Jupiter also conjunct Chiron; this time, the emphasis is on healing our emotional and relationship wounds.

You may become painfully aware of how some repressed emotional wounds are influencing your life and your relationships. This sudden awareness of the pattern will help you break the emotional cycle that has been chaining you down for so long.

You will no longer tolerate loose boundaries. You will no longer tolerate living other people’s lives. You will no longer accept living a life that is not an expression of YOUR wants, goals, and potential.

The triple Venus-Jupiter-Chiron conjunction is an incredible opportunity to reclaim yourself.

Be careful! The transit can stir some deep, painful emotions. Don’t respond with temper tantrums. Use these powerful emotions to get in touch with yourself and make the necessary changes from a place of awareness.

March 2nd, 2023 – Mercury Conjunct Saturn

On March 2nd, 2023 Mercury is conjunct Saturn at 29° Aquarius.

29° degree is called an anaretic degree, and it brings important culminations and endings. This is the last transit Saturn makes before leaving Aquarius for good.

There is a sense of urgency in the air. You may feel that this is your last chance to do something that is important to you. You may finally get a resolution on a topic you’ve been working on for weeks, months, or even years. Important news, announcements and outcomes will be revealed.

March 7th, 2023 – Saturn Enters Pisces

On March 7th, 2023 Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces.

This is one of the BIG transits of the year. One area of your life will come to a natural end; and a new door will be open.

Saturn in Pisces will have quite a different vibe from Pluto in Aquarius.

Saturn in Pisces will ask us to find a deeper meaning in our lives. We’ve been there, done that, now what? What does it all mean? Saturn in Pisces is our opportunity to get clarity around our deepest dreams.

March 7th, 2023 – Full Moon In Virgo

On March 7th, 2023 we have a Full Moon at 16° Virgo.

The Full Moon in Virgo is trine Uranus (at 15° Taurus) and square Mars (at 21° Gemini).

This highly energetic Full Moon makes me think of the 7 of Cups Tarot card. We may have lots of options to choose from. But too many opportunities can bring confusion. Which one should we focus on?

Thankfully, the common-sense Virgo energy will help us choose wisely. It’s not about quantity, but about quality.

March 12th, 2023 – Jupiter Conjunct Chiron

On March 12th, 2023 Jupiter is conjunct Chiron. This is once again one of the most important transits of the year. I know I keep repeating myself but March 2023 is really when all the action happens.

You have felt the Jupiter-Chiron conjunction building up for more than a month now. We are really feeling this transit at a collective level. We all feel vulnerable and exposed.

Old wounds will resurface and we will again be reminded of painful experiences we haven’t fully processed. Jupiter conjunct Chiron will help us connect the dots and see what’s the bigger picture behind these wounds, revealing the crucial role they have served in our development.

Jupiter conjunct Chiron is also a great moment in time to find a teacher, a guide, or to become a teacher yourself.

March 16th, 2023 – Venus Enters Taurus

On March 16th, 2023, Venus enters Taurus, her domicile sign. We all know that when Venus is happy, everyone is happy. Amid turbulent transits, Venus in Taurus is that sweet reminder that everything will be alright.

March 16th, 2023 – Mercury Conjunct Sun

On March 16th, 2023, Mercury is conjunct Sun at 27° Pisces.

In March, there’s Saturn, there’s Pluto, there’s Jupiter, there’s Chiron, there’s just so much going on!

And one of the extra things on your plate is the Mercury-Sun conjunction in Pisces.

We are now in the middle of the current Mercury cycle which started back in early January. A project you’ve been working on will now come to life. Some new information you get access to might help you make an important decision.

March 19th, 2023 – Mercury Enters Aries

On March 19th, 2023 Mercury enters Aries.

Mercury will sprint through the first sign of the zodiac. We have only 16 days of Mercury in Aries!

This month, we have a very interesting astrological backdrop where on one hand we are asked to deal with lots of change, and on the other, we don’t really have time to process it (Mercury travels super fast, all planets are direct).

In March, there is no guide or compass. We will have to go with the flow.

March 20th, 2023 – Sun Enters Aries

On March 20th, 2022 Sun enters Aries and we have the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Autumn Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. No matter where you live on Earth, the day is equal to the night.

0° Aries is the first degree of the zodiac, so Sun’s ingress into Aries also marks the beginning of a new astrological year. This is a great time to press the ‘reset’ button and start all over again.

The upcoming month is also when we celebrate the Aries people in our lives. We all have something to learn from Aries’ boldness and drive.

This is a time to “just do it” – to follow your instinct and step outside your comfort zone. If something feels right, then it probably is!

March 21st, 2023 – New Moon In Aries

Soon after the Sun moves into Aries, the Moon joins in, so on March 21st, 2023, we have a New Moon at 0° Aries.

The New Moon is conjunct Neptune (25° Pisces), conjunct Mercury (5° Aries), sexile Pluto (29° Aquarius) and square Mars (28° Gemini).

The New Moon in Aries is our bridge between life before March 2023, and life after March 2023. We are still anchored in our our dreams and ideas (New Moon conjunct Neptune). But we now seize new opportunities (New Moon conjunct Mercury).

Change is in the air! There’s an impatience to “act now, or never” (New Moon square Mars). Thankfully, Pluto is there to support us. The new chapter of our lives is build on the solid foundations of our past efforts.

March 23rd, 2023 – Pluto Enters Aquarius

On March 23rd, 2023, Pluto enters Aquarius.

Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius is by far the most important transit of the year, and if you have planets or angles in Aquarius, one of the most important transits of your life.

Pluto only changes signs once every 20 years on average, so when it moves into a different sign, it will start to activate a completely different area of your chart. The impact will be quite dramatic.

Pluto will only spend 3 months in Aquarius in 2023, but that’s enough to give us a taste of what’s about to come in the next 20 years of our life.

I will write an extensive report about Pluto in Aquarius closer to the date. In Plutonic fashion, we are also preparing something behind the scenes at the Astro Butterfly school – more details coming soon.

March 25th, 2023 – Mars Enters Cancer

On March 25th, 2023, Mars enters Cancer. Even if Mars is in fall in Cancer, it’s a fair assumption to say that most people must be looking forward to Mars finally switching signs. It’s been a long 8 months. We are so much “done” with Mars in Gemini. A change – any change – is welcome!

March 28th, 2023 – Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

On March 28th, 2023, Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 18° Aries.

Mercury’s yearly encounter with Jupiter is our opportunity to go BIG in everything that Mercury stands for. If you want to give a speech or a presentation for example, then your message will be more inspirational and reach more people’s hearts.

With Jupiter, there’s also a tendency to exaggerate or over-idealize an idea, but sometimes we need Jupiter’s infusion of optimism to articulate something that is important and needs to be heard.

March 30th, 2023 – Venus Conjunct Uranus

March 2023 ends on a high note with a Venus-Uranus conjunction at 16° Taurus.

We had an identical Venus-Uranus conjunction (at 16° Taurus) in June 2022. This is v.2 of last year’s transit. Some surprise encounters and opportunities may set you on an exciting, new trajectory in your life. Say YES!